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Optima 520 16 Slice CT


Built on reliable and proven technology, the Optima CT520 combines advanced clinical capacity with economic value. And it will continue to meet your clinical needs long into the future. A strong field service network backed by digital services and remote capabilities, along with a wide range of educational opportunities, ensure lifetime support.



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See more with CT

From diagnosis to treatment planning and monitoring, CT is one of the most powerful and versatile imaging tools in the fight against cancer.

The Optima CT520 enables you to see anatomy and lesions clearly and understand the diagnostic landscape more thoroughly, with optimized dose. High-quality images, streamlined workflow, fast acquisition speed, and dose optimization help you detect and evaluate small lesions and follow them over time, or provide a detailed evaluation of tumor extension.

ASiR delivers up to 40% reduction in radiation dose with no compromise in image quality**, †. This is particularly helpful for procedures where low dose is especially desirable—for example, for lymphoma and other patients requiring multiple follow-up scans or for patients who are more radiosensitive.

Efficient, accurate diagnosis

CT imaging has a variety of innovative uses in vascular studies. Angiography is one of the fastest-growing CT procedures.
As a result, the demand for easy-to-use vascular analysis
has also grown.

The Optima CT520 makes the angiography exam workflow efficient with proven IQ Enhance technology. IQ Enhance accelerates helical pitch and lets you scan at the same coverage speed as a 50-slice CT. This gives you the speed you need to catch the arterial phase while still delivering the spatial resolution needed to accurately visualize tiny vessels or quantify stenosis. IQ Enhance helps you improve the speed versus image quality balance.

To simplify workflow, the Xtream Integrated Injector lets you synchronize the start of the injection and scan acquisition. Remarkable 3D images, automated bone removal, and one-click vessel tracking simplify processing and communicating with referral doctors or vascular surgeons.



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Optima CT 520








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